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10/7: Immigration Reform
The fight continues to protect our families. People are worried and saddened about the uncertain future. In this workshop participants will learn how we organize for immigrant rights and what they can do to protect immigrants.
10/12: Fundraising to Build Grassroots Power
Fundraising is a political act! Learn how Virginia Organizing raises grassroots funds so we can organize most powerfully in our communities. And how you can become an effective fundraiser for social change!
10/14: Mindfulness and Self Care
Coach Jenson Baker will take us through his practice of mindfulness in Portsmouth Public Schools to show how mindfulness can be beneficial to teachers and students, as well as community members. We will then work together to identify within ourselves how we practice self care emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically.
10/19: Sharing your Story
In this workshop, you will have time to write and share a short version of the story of what brings you to Virginia Organizing. You’ll leave the workshop with a strong, unique message to share, written in your own style. The story could be the beginning of a letter to the editor, a speech to media, or something to share with people during outreach or one to ones.
10/21: 400 Years of Racism and Resistance in Virginia
This workshop will take participants through 400 years of history in Virginia. It will identify several key points in our history in which race played a pivotal role in getting us to where we are today.
10/26: The Criminal In-Justice System
Together, we will establish the essential connections between the three components of the Criminal In-Justice System, distinguish the inequities of the system, and propose what changes might be possible to achieve at the local and state level.
10/28: Understanding Power to Build Effective Campaigns
How can we build power to make the changes we want to make? In this workshop we will define power, discuss the history of power, learn how to conduct a community power analysis, and discuss ways to build power for long-term movement work.
Off Week for Election Day
11/9: Environmental Justice in Virginia
Whether it’s the economic transition away from coal, fighting fracked gas pipelines, or flooding and sea level rise, we are facing environmental challenges across the state that hurt people of color and low-income communities the most. How can you and your chapter be part of the solution?
11/11: General Assembly 101
Please join us to learn a little bit about how the General Assembly works in Virginia and also to explore some of Virginia Organizing state issue priorities in 2022 and beyond!