Virginia Organizing Calendar of Events

Strategies for Effective One-to-Ones (Zoom Workshop)


Through intentional 1-to-1 conversations, we learn about important issues, identify potential members, and develop strong public relationships. Learn how and why we use 1-to-1 conversations to build a strong grassroots organization.

New River Valley Chapter’s Virtual Annual Meeting

Every year, Virginia Organizing chapters hold annual meetings to celebrate our organizing work, to discuss the power we've built, and to make plans for our organizing work going forward. Please confirm you participation in our Annual Meeting and register today!

Lynchburg Chapter Conference Call

Jackson Street United Methodist Church 901 Jackson Street, Lynchburg, VA, United States

Monthly Chapter Meeting for Lynchburg residents. This month we will meet via conference call. Please e-mail Joe Szakos for details (

Navigating Special Education during COVID-19 Zoom Training


This session will help parents navigate special education during school closures, learn how to document student's progress/regression while at home, and how to best communicate with your school. We will also discuss what to expect when school resumes and how compensatory education may be needed. Register here.

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