Eastern Shore Chapter Meeting
Monthly planning session for Eastern Shore Virginia Organizing members.
Monthly planning session for Eastern Shore Virginia Organizing members.
Monthly Meeting for the developing Eastern Shore Chapter
VIRGINIA ORGANIZING TO HOLD CANDIDATE FORUM FOR CHARLOTTESVILLE COMMONWEALTH ATTORNEY What: Candidate Forum for Charlottesville Commonwealth Attorney When: Thursday, April 20 at 6:00 p.m. Where: Charlottesville City Council Chambers (City Hall, 605 East Main Street) Jeff Fogel and Joe Platania, the two candidates for Charlottesville Commonwealth Attorney, will make short presentations and then answer questions […]
Let's talk about the nuts and bolts of grassroots fundraising for social change, some of the barriers we might feel about asking for money, and how to overcome them. Fundraising is a political act!
Please contact Nik Belanger for more information.
Please contact Ciera for more details.
Please contact Jorge Mendez for more information.
Through intentional 1-to-1 conversations, we learn about important issues, identify potential members, and develop strong public relationships. Learn how and why we use 1-to-1 conversations to build a strong grassroots organization.
Contact Nik Belanger for location and details.
Every year, Virginia Organizing chapters hold annual meetings to celebrate our organizing work, to discuss the power we've built, and to make plans for our organizing work going forward. Please confirm you participation in our Annual Meeting and register today!