Virginia Organizing Calendar of Events

Dominion’s Political Lobbying Zoom Session


Despite the recent changes at the General Assembly Dominion Energy still has lot of power in Virginia. In this workshop we'll dive into how Dominion Energy leverage it's power to work against environmental justice issues, where and how they spend money, and how they reframe issues that we fight for so we can combat those […]

Voter Registration in a Pandemic Zoom Session


Virginia Organizing members have registered thousands of voters over the years, but what can be done during a pandemic? The most effective methods for voter registration have shifted. We can't go out and do "location" registrations — sitting outside the most popular grocery store in your community, for example — so how can we do […]

Event Series Voter Registration Training on Zoom

Voter Registration Training on Zoom

Do you know people who don't vote? To bring about the change we want to see in our communities, we have to make sure that everyone's voice is heard.  Every Tuesday at 7 p.m. Virginia Organizing will be hosting voter registration training. Learn the step-by-step process of registering voters and restoring voting rights. We will also discuss the […]

George Floyd Protests and Local Actions (Zoom meeting)


We will explore all of the protests and actions that have happened throughout the country and the state of VA. We will look at all of the examples of systemic change that are currently happening. Then we will answer the question, "what can I do personally to make an impact?" We will use examples from […]

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