What a fantastic 2024 Grassroots Gathering! We want to thank everyone who attended, participated in, contributed to, and supported the event. We cannot do what we do without all of you!
Over 110 people were in attendance this year, and we hosted 8 workshops across two different time slots. The event also featured a Restoration of Rights panel, chapter accomplishments from the past year, and our very special guest speaker, Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan!

The Restoration of Rights Panel was moderated by State Governing Board Member, Barbara Harris, and featured panel speakers: Sheba Williams, Jenifer Rhame, Shawn Barksdale, Lawrence Howerton, and Johnathan Burman.
Each speaker shared personal stories about their varied experiences with the Restoration of Rights process, and how the work toward a constitutional amendment is necessary and meaningful for returning citizens.
Johnathan Burman accentuated this with the statement, “After we’ve served our time, our voice should matter.” He shared about the challenges of the current process, and closed by stating, “when my time comes, remember my vote will count.”
Sheba discussed the emphasis on race that has been observed in the process, the loss of rights for those wrongfully accused, and argued that people need to “fight the fight for people who should have never lost their right to vote.” She also highlighted the substantial role of local elections, and that people should exercise their “God-given right to democracy.”
Other speakers noted the limited opportunities that are afforded to returning citizens, and how “alienating them is the opposite of support,” as mentioned by Jenifer.
Both Lawrence and Shawn discussed the realities of juvenile convictions, and how some citizens have never had an opportunity to exercise their rights. Lawrence discussed his frustration at that time by stating, “All I wanted was a chance to come home, and pay bills, and vote – be a citizen.” Shawn mentioned that it was steps taken after he “changed [his] mindset, changed [his] heart” that led to the eventual restoration of his rights, during a time when the process was more straightforward. This was echoed by Lawrence, who credited a change in mindset for the point at which he “recognized what power was.”

Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan delivered a compelling speech about the importance of voting and the impact that each vote can have on our communities and individual lives. She began her speech by thanking Virginia Organizing members for their work in their communities, and by stating that through this organizing, our members “are the backbone of American democracy.” Throughout her speech, she emphasized the fact that voting rights are “sacred,” and that each person’s vote matters. She even shared personal stories of her father and grandfather, and how their experiences influenced her decision to be a lifelong voter and to contribute her voice to each election.
In her talk, Congresswoman McClellan also underscored her dedication as our representative in “fighting efforts to roll back our rights” and “make sure that Virginia remains a leader of expanding democracy for everyone.” This includes ending felony disenfranchisement and pushing for restoration of voting rights. She noted that in two years (2020 and 2021), “because of your organizing work, we’ve moved Virginia from the second hardest state to vote [in] to the eleventh easiest.”
She continued with the statement that, the upcoming election is “the most important election of our lives…and every election is the most important one of our lives.” She challenged the group not to go backwards and to commit to voting, then responded to the agreement by saying, “On behalf of my ancestors and yours, I thank you for that. Keep up the good work!”

Before and after a catered lunch, we held various workshops. This year’s workshops were: Barbershop Series/Civic Engagement, Child Care, Fighting for Mental health and Criminal Justice Reform, Healing Justice, Housing and Tenants’ Rights, Rural Organizing, How Environmental Issues Affect Everyday Living, and How to Prepare a Workshop.