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Why we need to curb carbon emissions

by Ed Marroni

Photo credit: www.co2emission.co.uk

Photo credit: www.co2emission.co.uk

An increasing number of environmentalists seem to be trying to convince us that “The sky is falling!” (like the saying from the story of Chicken Little) when they stress the dire condition of our Earth and our desperate need to take IMMEDIATE action.

In reality, there actually is an urgency to take action to curb carbon emission and climate disruption. According to Stephen Nash, an environmental journalist, the longer we wait, the more those long-enduring greenhouse gases build up. There is a lag time between emissions and their full affect. This means the actual effects of the current level of emissions will not be experienced until later this century, and once the warming arrives it will linger for generations! Mr. Nash notes that one rescue plan urges the reduction of our greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent in the next 5 years. Thereafter, we have to achieve “net zero” emissions in 15 years.

That’s drastic, it may sound extreme, and we could dismiss it as “the sky is falling” talk, but how we live right now and how we treat our Earth and Her resources will impact the living conditions of future generations.

Why we need to curb carbon emissions Reviewed by on . [caption id="attachment_10900" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo credit: www.co2emission.co.uk[/caption] An increasing number of environmentalists seem to be [caption id="attachment_10900" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo credit: www.co2emission.co.uk[/caption] An increasing number of environmentalists seem to be Rating: 0
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