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More on the Magnificent Monarch

Ed Marroni

photo credit: monarch-butterfly.com

photo credit: monarch-butterfly.com

First, it is important to note that without the help of the Monarch Butterfly, a key pollinator, our food production could be damaged beyond repair. Our efforts, then, to bolster the butterfly population are critical.

Let’s take action to help the Monarchs:

  • PLANT milkweed and nectar plants native to your area, these can be found at most garden shops.
  • CREATE a Monarch Waystation by urging that these Monarch-friendly plants be planted at schools, businesses and community gardens.
  • AVOID toxic pesticides when maintaining your plants and choose organically grown foods.
  • EDUCATE others about the importance of Monarchs through conversation; encourage them to take action to support these beautiful creatures and to support other environmental conservation efforts.
More on the Magnificent Monarch Reviewed by on . [caption id="attachment_11107" align="alignleft" width="150"] photo credit: monarch-butterfly.com[/caption] First, it is important to note that without the help [caption id="attachment_11107" align="alignleft" width="150"] photo credit: monarch-butterfly.com[/caption] First, it is important to note that without the help Rating: 0
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