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Celebrating 81 Years of Social Security

Dear friends,

August 14 was the 81st anniversary of Social Security, one of the most successful programs in our nation’s history.Strengthen Social Security

Social Security keeps millions of seniors, survivors, and people with disabilities out of poverty every year. In our time, as incomes for the wealthiest people are increasing while wages for working and middle class people are shrinking, Social Security is more important than ever before. But the modest benefits it pays does not reflect our economic reality.

We need Congress to protect and expand this important program.

Will you take a few minutes to call U.S. Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine and ask them to protect and expand Social Security? Tell them to stand with Americans as Social Security celebrates 81 years of success by:
• Increasing Social Security benefits across the board;
• Making benefits keep pace with the true cost of living;
• Adding a caregiver credit;
• Reinstating and expanding student benefits;
• Improving benefits for long-term low-wage workers; and
• Scrapping the FICA cap to make everyone pay their fair share.

You can reach Senator Warner at 202-224-2023 and Senator Kaine at 202-224-4024.

Learn more about why we are requesting the above changes to Social Security by visiting http://www.retirementsecurityvoices.org/projects/expanding-and-improving-social-security/

Thank you for taking action to support a stronger future for Social Security!


Maxine Jackson

Celebrating 81 Years of Social Security Reviewed by on . Dear friends, August 14 was the 81st anniversary of Social Security, one of the most successful programs in our nation’s history. Social Security keeps millions Dear friends, August 14 was the 81st anniversary of Social Security, one of the most successful programs in our nation’s history. Social Security keeps millions Rating: 0
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