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We have partnered with the national women’s representation coalition, ReflectUS, to increase the number of women in political leadership roles. ReflectUS has two great opportunities for Virginia women that you can take advantage of! First, we are hearing from local governments around the Commonwealth that they do not always have women applying for local Boards and Commissions. We want to change that! ReflectUS is providing Boards and Commissions meetings to help you identify where you might want to serve, answer questions about serving, and help you get your application materials ready! Sign up by clicking here or by reaching out to Amanda Pohl, Programs Director of ReflectUS, at amanda@reflect.us

Second, if you have ever considered running for office or know you want to serve on a Board or Commission, you are invited to join the ReflectUS Virginia Women’s Leadership Council. The Leadership Council is a cross-partisan group of women who are elected, running for office, or interested in serving in a political leadership role gathered to support one another in the unique challenges of being a woman in politics. Please contact Amanda Pohl at amanda@reflect.us to learn more about the Leadership Council and how to get involved. 

ReflectUS Reviewed by on . We have partnered with the national women’s representation coalition, ReflectUS, to increase the number of women in political leadership roles. ReflectUS has tw We have partnered with the national women’s representation coalition, ReflectUS, to increase the number of women in political leadership roles. ReflectUS has tw Rating: 0
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