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Take action on the Draft Priority Climate Action Plan

Do you want to reduce greenhouse gases and improve housing throughout Virginia?

Virginia’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is requesting feedback on its Draft Priority Climate Action Plan. Thanks to all who submitted survey responses last month when DEQ was soliciting input on what the plan should include.

The draft plan includes ten measures for reducing polluting Greenhouse Gas Emissions. The fourth measure is increasing residential and commercial energy efficiency. Making homes more energy efficient will not only reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, but it will also make homes healthier, safer, and more comfortable. And it will lower utility bills.

The plan is important because it will inform the DEQ’s application for an implementation grant from the federal government, which could then fund what’s contained in the plan. We want to make sure that hard-working families benefit from whatever funds DEQ receives.

We have until February 23rd to tell DEQ that we want the plan and implementation grant to prioritize residential energy efficiency programs, particularly for low-income households and renters. And that we want renters to be protected from rising rents or evictions when their homes are improved.

Email DEQ at CPRG@deq.virginia.gov. Online public meetings on the draft plan will be held on Feb. 22, one at 11 a.m. and another at 6 p.m.

Thank you for taking action for climate and environmental justice,

Elisabeth Chaves
Climate Equity Policy Fellow

Take action on the Draft Priority Climate Action Plan Reviewed by on . Do you want to reduce greenhouse gases and improve housing throughout Virginia? Virginia's Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is requesting feedback on i Do you want to reduce greenhouse gases and improve housing throughout Virginia? Virginia's Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is requesting feedback on i Rating: 0
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