For Immediate Release: February 19, 2013
What: Belated Valentine delivery to U.S. Senator Mark Warner
When: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 at noon
Where: U.S. Senator Mark Warner’s Norfolk office (101 W. Main Street, Suite 4900, Norfolk, VA 23510)
Visuals: Valentines
Norfolk, Va. – As part of an ongoing campaign urging Congress to take a balanced approach to budgeting, Virginia Organizing leaders will deliver belated Valentines to U.S. Senator Mark Warner and ask him to “share the love” and stand up to special interests pushing for continued tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans and big corporations.
Virginia Organizing leaders will speak about tax fairness and how they will be directly affected by the sequester, if allowed to occur. In addition to hearing from speakers, letters will be read by those who were unable to make the demonstration but want their voice heard as well.
“Congress is making decisions about people who already don’t have enough,” said South Hampton Roads resident Carrodena Johnson. “Congress is full of highly educated people; I know they can come up with a way to fix the sequester that doesn’t involve hurting those with the least.”
The recent tax deal passed by Congress to avoid the so-called “fiscal cliff” left severe gaps in the path to tax fairness. As part of a national day of action with Americans for Tax Fairness, Virginia Organizing will ask Senator Warner to stand up for all Americans and end loopholes that benefit only the wealthy and big corporations instead of making cuts to programs that benefit families.
To interview to a Virginia Organizing spokesperson or event participant, please contact Amanda Pohl at 804-337-1912 or
Virginia Organizing is a non-partisan statewide grassroots organization that brings people together to create a more just Virginia.