Jan Reeves is a Virginia Organizing leader in her hometown of Abingdon, Virginia. She lived in northern Virginia for a time and when she moved back to the mountains about a year ago, she was appalled that the county was considering hydrofracking in this area she loves.
“I saw Virginia Organizing was fighting against fracking, so I joined them,” said Jan.
Jan attended Board of Supervisor meetings and spoke out against hydrofracking at those meetings and in the media. She will be working with Virginia Organizing on water testing to help residents have a baseline in the event their water becomes contaminated if fracking occurs near their property.
In addition to working on hydrofracking, Jan also works to register voters and provide information to people in her community regarding the new photo ID laws.
“We’ve been canvassing in communities that might not have IDs, mailing information out, and providing information for churches to put in their bulletins,” said Jan.
Jan believes it is important for everyone to be involved in their local communities and participate by voting.
“Freedom is one of those things we have to keep fighting for if we want to keep it.”
Thank you, Jan, for your great work!