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Action Alert! Call Your Legislators for Medicaid Expansion

January 26, 2013 11:29 pm by: Category: Health Care A+ / A-


This week, the Virginia House of Delegates and Senate will be making important decisions about the budget – and we need you to take action for Medicaid expansion! 
Medicaid expansion would be an enormous help to all Virginians, not just those who would receive Medicaid. Will you call your legislators to tell them to support Medicaid expansion?Click here to find out who your legislators are and their contact information.
When you call, just tell them, "I support Medicaid expansion. Please vote for a budget that includes Medicaid expansion in Virginia!"
Here are some facts about Medicaid expansion if you choose to have a longer conversation with your legislator:
  • Medicaid expansion will add about 30,000 well-paying health care jobs to Virginia’s economy.
  • Over 400,000 people will be covered as a result of Medicaid expansion, including low-income working Virginians that work in places where health insurance is not offered or they cannot afford to purchase coverage that is offered.
  • Some of the people who will be covered under the expansion include parents of children already covered by Medicaid, people with disabilities and people who work in low-wage jobs. 
  • A recent study confirms that expanding Medicaid in Virginia will cost the state LESSover the next six years than if we did not expand.
  • Medicaid expansion will add dollars to our economy, increasing state revenue to provide for critical needs of Virginians. 
  • If Medicaid is expanded to Virginia, more Virginians’ federal tax dollars will be going to help Virginians instead of our tax dollars paying for expansion in other states, like Maryland and California, without the benefits of decreasing health care costs, insuring more people and adding money to our economy. 
Thank you for your support of Medicaid expansion in Virginia! 
Action Alert! Call Your Legislators for Medicaid Expansion Reviewed by on .  This week, the Virginia House of Delegates and Senate will be making important decisions about the budget - and we need you to take action for Medicaid ex  This week, the Virginia House of Delegates and Senate will be making important decisions about the budget - and we need you to take action for Medicaid ex Rating:
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