Mary Dunleavy
June 23, 2012
http://www.nbc29.com/story/18864904/activists-await-high-courts-health-care-decision (visit link to watch member Dell Eriwn and Executive DIrector Joe Szakos discuss the importance of the Affordable Care Act)
Virginia Organizing members are awaiting the Supreme Court's ruling on President Obama's controversial health care reform law.
The Affordable Care Act saves seniors like Dell Erwin from falling into the Medicare prescription drug coverage gap known as the "donut hole".
Erwin now receives a $250 rebate check. She says the check means millions of Medicare recipients do not have to make life threatening decisions.
Dell Erwin said, "For many seniors it means do I buy my medication or do I pay my life bill, do I buy groceries this week- so it's a matter of life and death."
Next week, the Supreme Court will decide if the Affordable Care Act is constitutional. The court issues opinions on Mondays and Thursdays, but could call a special meeting, meaning the ruling could come at any point next week.