2011 Virginia Organizing Grassroots Gathering
Gay Community Center of Richmond
1407 Sherwood Avenue, Richmond, VA 23220
9:30 Registration begins
Continental breakfast available
10am Official Opening of the Gathering
Small Group Introductions
How do we tell the story of us: Virginia Organizing?
Track A:
What the heck am I doing here?
Description: a workshop for folks who are very new, may have attended 1-2 activities with VO; talk about building power and our history.
Track B:
Direct Action – Nuts and Bolts of Putting Together Direct Actions
Media – Working with the Media
Social Security—Myths and Facts
Messaging – How do we shape our values and belief to share with others and how do we respond to all the hype!
Economic Justice—Understanding the connections!
Close workshops and invite people to lunch and conversation tables
Lunch and Conversation tables
Set up conversation tables with big signs identifying the topic for each table
1. NPA Direct Action (in case you missed this)
2. Messaging
3. “We’re talking about __________” (people can identify topics of interest)
Introduction of statewide organizing work
Message from State Governing Board Chair
Introductions and acknowledgements
Recognitions of 3 statewide groups:
2:00 pm Speaker of the Day — Wendell Potter
Call to Action, Evaluation, Closing
3:00pm Journey home