Did you know that in most cases, you can use your student ID to vote on Election Day? Virginia Organizing wants to make sure you have all the information you need to vote! Please forward this information on to any friends and family that are students to make sure they know what they need to vote!
There are several forms of ID that meet Virginia requirements (and federal requirements for first time voters if you have not voted in a federal election before). A few of them are:
- Virginia voter registration card
- Your Virginia student ID card (must be a photo ID or list your current name and address to satisfy the requirements)
- A bank statement, utility bill, paycheck stub, or government check with your current name and address
- Driver's license or other government-issued photo ID (must be valid and your name and address must be current)
If you are a first time voter, you CANNOT use your Social Security card or Birth Certificate to satisfy the federal ID requirements! You must bring another form of ID to the polls.
By now, you should have received your voter registration card in the mail. If you did not receive that card, click here to search your registration status on the Virginia State Board of Elections website, or call your local registrar. Virginia Organizing recommends that everyone check their voter registration status before the October 15 registration deadline to ensure you are an active, registered voter. If your address or name is incorrect, or there are other errors in your registration, you must contact your registrar before the October 15 deadline.
For your convenience, Virginia Organizing has posted information on our website for students, seniors, and first time voters. We have also summarized some changes to the law. You can find all this information by clicking here! Please pass along to your friends and family members who may be first time voters!
Since all active registered voters received a voter registration card in the mail, it is best to use your voter registration card as your ID. The voter registration card meets both the federal and state ID requirements. Please click here for a complete list of identifications that meet the Virginia voter ID requirements and the federal (HAVA) ID requirements for first time voters.