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Happy Birthday Health Care Law!

Happy Birthday Health Care Law!

Here at Virginia Organizing, we are excited to be celebrating the 1st birthday of The Affordable Care Act next week!  On March 23, 2010 the health care law, 80 years in the making, was signed int ...

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Richmond Forum to Celebrate One-Year Anniversary of the Health Care Law

Richmond Forum to Celebrate One-Year Anniversary of the Health Care Law

The Affordable Care Act: A Year Old and A Century in the MakingRichmond, VA – On Tuesday, March 22, Virginia Organizing will celebrate the one-year anniversary of the passage of the Patient Prot ...

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Virginia Organizing Meeting With Senator Webb

Virginia Organizing Meeting With Senator Webb

Virginia Organizing met with Senator Jim Webb and his staff on March 10 to talk about Social Security, health care reform implementation and criminal justice issues.  Senator Webb expressed his s ...

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The near future of foreclosures in Virginia

The near future of foreclosures in Virginia

The following was originally posted on Take Me Home. Virginia Organizing woud like to note that the Virginia General Assembly killed several bills this session which could have helped Virginia homeown ...

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Labor and Virginia: Why we need to organize!

Labor and Virginia: Why we need to organize!

In the aftermath of last night's vote in Wisconsin, Washington Post columnist interviewed labor historian Nelson Lichtenstein about whether this is a long term win or loss for unions.Here is an in ...

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Virginia Groups Outraged over Governor McDonnell’s Support of Governor Walker’s Use of Nuclear Option to Suppress Workers’ Rights

Virginia Groups Outraged over Governor McDonnell’s Support of Governor Walker’s Use of Nuclear Option to Suppress Workers’ Rights

Groups Condemn the Actions of Wisconsin Governor: “In the Dead of the Night, Gov. Walker Has Trampled on the Letter of the Law and Wisconsin Families at the Same Time”  Richmond, ...

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Virginia Groups Outraged over McDonnell’s Support of Walker’s Nuclear Option to Suppress Workers’ Rights

Virginia Groups Outraged over McDonnell’s Support of Walker’s Nuclear Option to Suppress Workers’ Rights

Groups Condemn the Actions of Wisconsin Governor: “In the Dead of the Night, Gov. Walker Has Trampled on the Letter of the Law and Wisconsin Families at the Same Time” Richmond, VA ...

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Dr. Lillis: The Goal, Smarter Medicine

Dr. Lillis: The Goal, Smarter Medicine

The following was originally posted on Progress Notes and was written by Dr. Chris Lillis, Fredericksburg Physician and Virginia Organizing Health Care Committee Member. Earlier this week, Dr Evan Sau ...

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New Report Underscores Importance of Blocking Republican Efforts to Repeal Health Law

New Report Underscores Importance of Blocking Republican Efforts to Repeal Health Law

HCAN Analysis Shows Health Insurers Pocketed Huge Profits in 2010 Despite Weak EconomyPDF VERSION: http://www.healthcareforamericanow.org/ins-co-2010-profitsWashington, DC—The five largest ...

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Sign the Petition: Virginia Stands With Wisconsin Workers!

Sign the Petition: Virginia Stands With Wisconsin Workers!

Amazing.  Inspiring.  Patriotic.  These are all words to describe the historic actions of hundreds of thousands of workers in Wisconsin over the last two weeks.  We are inspired.Th ...

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