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Danvile Vs. The Sharks

Danvile Vs. The Sharks

As of this week all the bills to curb predatory lending have died. Nevertheless, a dozen hearty Danville souls line the sidewalk in front of Advance America on Wednesday to send S ...

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Letter to Bank of America: You’re on Notice, See you In Charlotte.

Letter to Bank of America: You’re on Notice, See you In Charlotte.

Today, Virginia Organizing leaders attempted to the deliver the following letter to the Charlottesville branch manager. The mananger kindly refused so the group went to the neares ...

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VIDEO: Fredericksburg Residents Call on Sen. Reeves to Oppose Voter Suppression Bills

VIDEO: Fredericksburg Residents Call on Sen. Reeves to Oppose Voter Suppression Bills

Twenty fours hours after the House of Delegates passed HB 9, one of many voter suppression bills, Fredericksburg residents gathered at the library to speak out against a slew of b ...

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Fredericksburg Residents to Call on Sen. Reeves to Oppose Voter Suppression Bills

Fredericksburg Residents to Call on Sen. Reeves to Oppose Voter Suppression Bills

  Virginia Organizing Calls on Senator Reeves to Support Voting Rights and Oppose Voter ID Laws FREDERICKSBURG- On Thursday, February 2 from 4:00pm-5:00pm, Fredericksburg res ...

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Project To Gather Opinion On Immigrant Detention Program

Project To Gather Opinion On Immigrant Detention Program

Posted in the Daily New Record: January 31, 2012 By EMILY SHARRER   Nelly Moreno-Shenk gives instructions Saturday to volunteers training for the Rockingham County 287g Liste ...

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Ehrenthal: Voter Fraud & Bigfoot, They Make Exist, But are Hard to Find

Ehrenthal: Voter Fraud & Bigfoot, They Make Exist, But are Hard to Find

  The right to vote, in a democracy, is a basic right.  Under the United States Constitution that right in established by the 15th Amendment.   “No one can be denied the ...

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Karen Kallay on creating the Virginia Health Benefits Exchange

Karen Kallay on creating the Virginia Health Benefits Exchange

On Wednesday, January 11, Karen Kallay joined progressives from all over Virginia in speaking out on issues facing the 2012 Virginia General Assembly. Karen is a member of the Vir ...

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MLK Vigil in Richmond Monday: His Vision, Values, & Challenge to Us.

MLK Vigil in Richmond Monday: His Vision, Values, & Challenge to Us.

On January 16, 2012, hundreds of Virginians will gather at the State Capitol at 5pm to celebrate and honor Dr. King's legacy and values of equality, justice and opportunity. W ...

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Downie: What is the Electoral College and Why Does it Matter?

Downie: What is the Electoral College and Why Does it Matter?

As the 2012 Presidential election heats up we are hearing more pundits and journalists postulate on the role the electoral college will play on the upcoming election. The electora ...

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Victory on UI and Payroll Tax Cut, Virginia Organizing at White House

Victory on UI and Payroll Tax Cut, Virginia Organizing at White House

Yesterday the obstructionists in the House of Representatives finally announced they'd join a majority of senators from both political parties to renew unemployment benefits a ...

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