Category: Community Voices

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Top Ten of 2018!

Top Ten of 2018!

With your help, we've done great work this year. There have been too many local campaigns to include them all in our top ten, but please see some highlights of the year below. You ...

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A new world for all of us!

A new world for all of us!

Please join me in supporting Virginia Organizing. Your year-end donation will help us work to stop the evictions and create affordable housing in the City of Fredericksburg and th ...

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The School-to-Prison Pipeline and Virginia Organizing

The School-to-Prison Pipeline and Virginia Organizing

I joined the Portsmouth Chapter of Virginia Organizing two years ago because a friend of mine told me I could get help for my son there. He was suspended and threatened with expul ...

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Take action against Medicaid work requirements!

Take action against Medicaid work requirements!

The long process of Virginia trying to add work requirements to Medicaid continues. The state has asked the federal government for permission to impose these conditions. Now we ha ...

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Harrisonburg Community – Law Enforcement Relations Report November 2018

Harrisonburg Community – Law Enforcement Relations Report November 2018

The Harrisonburg Chapter of Virginia Organizing partnered with Better Together/Mejores Juntos and Southerners on New Ground (SONG) in the development of a survey in order to inves ...

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Sign up Now for Health Care!

Sign up Now for Health Care!

Enrollment is open for the new expanded health care coverage for adults in Virginia at Virginia's New Health Coverage for Adults More adults in Virginia now have acce ...

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Comment on New Public Charge Rule

Comment on New Public Charge Rule

Thanks for your work on this issue. The comment period is now closed. Virginia Organizing’s Comment Virginia Organizing strongly urges the Dept. of Homeland Security to desist fro ...

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Dr. Jay Brock’s Speech about Congress’s Proposed Tax and Spending Cuts

Dr. Jay Brock’s Speech about Congress’s Proposed Tax and Spending Cuts

(Editor's note: Dr. Brock delivered this speech at Virginia Organizing's media conference in Fredericksburg, where leaders asked Representative Rob Wittman to vote against more ta ...

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Help End the Legacy of Slavery at UVA

Help End the Legacy of Slavery at UVA

Please share this flyer with friends all over Virginia! Help End the Legacy of Slavery at UVA.   From the flyer: Tell UVA President Jim Ryan that the University of Virginia m ...

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Connect with your transgender and allied neighbors at TIES!

Connect with your transgender and allied neighbors at TIES!

Join us for the 5th annual TIES! This year at a new location! TIES brings hundreds of folks together for a conference designed to meet the interests and needs of transgender indiv ...

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