Category: Community Voices

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Norfolk “Make Them Pay” Tax Day Event

Norfolk “Make Them Pay” Tax Day Event

More than thirty people from MoveON , Virginia Organizing and other local allies came out for a “Tax Day- Make Them Pay” action in front of Bank of America in Norfolk on April 18t ...

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S. Hampton Roads Virginia Organizing Lobbies Legislators for Immigrant Rights

S. Hampton Roads Virginia Organizing Lobbies Legislators for Immigrant Rights

A delegation of Virginia Beach, Norfolk and Chesapeake residents visited Richmond on Thursday for a day of lobbying their legislators for immigrants rights. The South Hampton Road ...

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No Spill Baby Spill, Join Us for Hands Across the Sand

No Spill Baby Spill, Join Us for Hands Across the Sand

Check out the promotional video for Hands Across the Sand! It was produced by Ivy Main of the Sierra Club. It “stars” Chesapeake Bay group chairperson Terra Pascarosa, William Rey ...

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