Home » Media Releases » Charlottesville to Celebrate Health Care Law Two Year Anniversary; Calls on Supreme Court to Uphold Law

Charlottesville to Celebrate Health Care Law Two Year Anniversary; Calls on Supreme Court to Uphold Law

March 24, 2012 8:18 pm by: Category: Media Releases A+ / A-

Charlottesville Residents Already Helped by Health Reform

 Celebrate Law’s 2nd Anniversary


Young Adults, Seniors and Doctors Urge Supreme Court: Don’t Take Away Benefits, Protections Against Insurance Companies’ Anti-Consumer Practices


Residents Call on Attorney General Cuccinelli and Governor McDonnell to Stop Blocking Health Care Law


CHARLOTTESVILLE– Local residents will gather Monday at noon in front of the U.S. Courthouse in Charlottesville to commemorate the second anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and to share their stories of how they have personally benefited from the law. They will illustrate how the law is already helping millions of Virginians and will call upon the Supreme Court to uphold the law and for Attorney General Cuccinelli stop blocking further implementation in Virginia.


Since the Affordable Care Act was signed into law on March 23, 2010, Attorney General Cuccinelli has consistently opposed the new law, which already provides free preventive care, protection against discrimination based on pre-existing conditions, a ban on lifetime coverage limits and a provision allowing young Virginians to stay on their parents’ plan until they are 26 years old.  


The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing legal challenges to the ACA from Monday, March 26 to Wednesday, March 28 in Washington, D.C.  A decision to overturn the law or any of its provisions could result in the loss of benefits to seniors, women, children and families. Residents will be collecting signatures for a petition asking Attorney General Cuccinelli and Governor McDonnell to stop blocking the health care law.


The Charlottesville rally will coincide with more than 300 other events taking place across the country this week with seniors, children, small-business owners and young people coming together to explain how they are already being helped by the Affordable Care Act and to highlight what is at stake as opponents of reform work overtime to take away those benefits in state legislatures, in Congress and at the U.S. Supreme Court.


WHO:  Virginia Organizing

Dr. Greg Gelburd, Local Physician

Janyce Lewis, Virginia Organizing leader, Medicaid recipient

Dell Erwin, Medicare Recipient who received prescription drug help and whose family has been helped by Affordable Care Act

Young adultwho is able to go back on their parents’ plan


WHAT: Celebration of the Affordable Care Act, Don't Block Our Care!


WHEN:  Monday, March 26 at Noon


WHERE:  (In front of) United States Courthouse 255 West Main Street, Charlottesville VA 22902.



***Visuals: Don’t Deny Our Health Care signs***

Charlottesville to Celebrate Health Care Law Two Year Anniversary; Calls on Supreme Court to Uphold Law Reviewed by on . Charlottesville Residents Already Helped by Health Reform Celebrate Law’s 2nd Anniversary Young Adults, Seniors and Doctors Urge Supreme Court: Charlottesville Residents Already Helped by Health Reform Celebrate Law’s 2nd Anniversary Young Adults, Seniors and Doctors Urge Supreme Court: Rating:
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