As of this week all the bills to curb predatory lending have died. Nevertheless, a dozen hearty Danville souls line the sidewalk in front of Advance America on Wednesday to send Senator Stanley a message.
Check out some of the great news coverage of the protest:
Predatory lending under protest in Danville
news/2012/feb/08/danville- lending-ar-1674042/group-protest-predatory- Danville, VA – People took to the streets in Danville to tell Sen. Bill Stanley what they think of predatory lending, loans usually given out in poor communities at very high interest rates.
Even though it was raining, the "Virginia Organizing" group held signs outside Advance America on Piney Forest Road.
They were asking Stanley to take a firm stance on predatory lending. They say it's hurting the economy, and that means it's hurting everyone.
"Whether it's in Danville, whether it's in Martinsville, any place in Virginia, any place in America, everybody is going to feel the effects. What hurts one hurts all," said Mary Massie Barnes.
Stanley's office said they believed a House bill about the lending was killed, but says they are looking into it.
Predatory lending under protest in Danville | WSLS 10
1 day ago – Organizers said they hope to get the attention of state Sen. Bill Stanley and to get him to vote in favor of anti-predatory loan legislation in the …
… calling on Southside Sen. Bill Stanley to support legislation to end what they describe as predatory lending practices. Mary Massie Barnes grew up in Danville …
Protesters take aim at predatory lending in Danville
WDBJ7 – 21 hours agoSome people in Danville are fighting to put an end to payday loans with interest rates as much as 360 percent. Protesters stood outside Advance America loan service this afternoon to show their support of legislation to end predatory lending in …