Did you know that Virginia Organizing has played a large role in the get-out-the-vote efforts across Virginia this year?
We have made nearly 49,000 calls to potential voters already and will call more than 100,000 voters by Election Day. We organized community events to register voters and provide information on what identification voters must bring to the polls as a result of newly enacted laws. We have distributed more than 10,000 flyers and palm cards about voter identification and plan to continue this up to the election.
For Virginia Organizing, this is all part of good organizing. We work tirelessly with our leaders, volunteers, staff and the community to make sure that people exercise their right to vote and that every vote will count in Virginia.
As a non-partisan organization, we work on campaigns to support Social Security and Medicare, expand health care coverage for all Virginians, end workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation, end predatory lending practices, establish comprehensive immigration reform, and promote tax fairness and economic justice.
We can't do this alone. We rely on people like you to support us.
Can you donate to help us continue this important work? You can click here to go directly to our donation page, or if you prefer, you can mail a donation to 703 Concord Avenue, Charlottesville, VA 22903.
The campaign season is winding down and come November 6, we will elect leaders to serve the Commonwealth and our nation. Unlike campaigns, the work of Virginia Organizing doesn't stop on November 6. No matter what happens on Election Day, we will continue to fight for all Virginians. Will you join this fight by making a donation?
Thank you for everything you do to make Virginia a more just Commonwealth!