Join us on Friday November, 18 at noon at Bank of America and Wells Fargo in Norfolk to close our accounts in protest of the big banksforeclosing on millions of families, cutting back on small business loans that create jobs, funding predatory lenders, and avoiding their fair share of taxes through offshore accounts and loopholes.
Virginia Organizing and is part of The New Bottom Line’s “Move Our Money” campaign, which seeks to move $1 billion from Wall Street banks to community banks and credit unions. Inspired by nationwide Occupy Wall Street protests, thousands of Americans will come together through the New Bottom Line, a coalition of organizations, to take $1 billion of our money out of the big banks– Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, and Wells Fargo.
In celebration of closing our accounts, we will sing "The Jolly Banker." So bring your guitar and come prepared to rip cords and check books with us.
We will gather in front of Wells Fargo on Monticello Avenue at noon and close our accounts one by one, following by a march to Bank of America where more of is will close our accounts. After the action, we will speak out (and sing out) about why we have chosen to take our money back and put it into institutions like small banks and credit unions that invest in small businesses and build our community. We will also join Occupy Norfolk at their 1:00pm march and will ask other participants and encourage them to divest. The divestment action is the one of many Move Our Money actions that have already taken place in Virginia.
Who:Virginia Organizing
What:“Move Our Money” Day of Divestment from the Big Banks
When: Friday, November 18 at 12:00 Noon
Where:(Noon) Wells Fargo, 440 Monticello Ave, Norfolk, 23510 (at Monticello light rail station)
(at 12:30) The group will march to Bank of America, One Commercial Place, Norfolk, 23510