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Grassroots Gathering Registration Open!

Click here to register for the Grassroots Gathering.

Health care. Immigrant rights. Disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline. These are only a few of the issues Virginia Organizing has been working on since last year’s Grassroots Gathering. Through workshops, speakers, and shared experiences, we became a stronger organization in our fight for change. If you were there, you know what I’m talking about. If you weren’t there, I hope you’ll join us this year.

At Grassroots Gathering 2017, we will learn organizing skills, meet new people, and have a lot of fun. This is what democracy looks like!

Ladelle McWhorter

Grassroots Gathering Registration Open! Reviewed by on . Click here to register for the Grassroots Gathering. Health care. Immigrant rights. Disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline. These are only a few of the issues Click here to register for the Grassroots Gathering. Health care. Immigrant rights. Disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline. These are only a few of the issues Rating: 0
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