Today, ProgressVA named Virginia’s Speaker of the House, Bill Howell, the “Turkey of the Year.” This award is given to a politician who uses his or her power for personal political agendas instead of focusing on what is best for all Virginians. The award for Speaker Howell is timely for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Speaker Howell has refused to expand Medicaid due to his political beliefs, in spite of the fact that expansion will create jobs and opportunities for Virginians, provide health care to low-income, working people, and be a boost to our economy. Hundreds of thousands of Virginians will fall into the “Bill Howell Medicaid Gap,” meaning they are too poor to qualify for subsidies and credits to pay for health care on the Health Insurance Marketplace, but are not poor enough to currently qualify for Medicaid in Virginia.
Something about this whole thing is certainly “fowl” and we hope that Speaker Howell will reconsider his position on expansion since economists and policy experts agree this is right for Virginia.
Will you take a few minutes and call Speaker Howell at 540-371-1612 and tell him that we need Medicaid expansion in Virginia? Virginians can’t afford to NOT expand!
Thank you for raising your voice for the thousands of people who need health care in Virginia! For more information about Medicaid expansion, visit or click here to view our flyer with facts about expansion.
Sandra A. Cook