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New BRT must work for everyone

by Vaughan Pritchett

grtc-busPublished in the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Editor, Times-Dispatch:

As a bus rider, I was excited to hear about the city’s new Bus Rapid Transit plan. I think the city has the right route and the right number of stops, and that it will benefit both rich and poor. But I am worried that I haven’t heard enough about how the BRT will hook up with current routes or how it will impact the transfer station.

We need to make sure the BRT helps everyone and does not become just an elite line for rich folks. The way to make sure of that is to really figure out how it will connect with all of the current routes and help the thousands of people who ride the bus every day.

Vaughan Pritchett,


New BRT must work for everyone Reviewed by on . Published in the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Editor, Times-Dispatch: As a bus rider, I was excited to hear about the city’s new Bus Rapid Transit plan. I think the Published in the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Editor, Times-Dispatch: As a bus rider, I was excited to hear about the city’s new Bus Rapid Transit plan. I think the Rating: 0
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