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Pennington Gap: Virginians to Gather to Support Medicaid Expansion in Pennington Gap

June 10, 2014 5:21 pm by: Category: Health Care, Media Releases, Southwest A+ / A-

For Immediate Release: June 10, 2014

What: Vigil in support of Medicaid expansion
When: Thursday, June 12 at 8 p.m.
Where: Leeman Field Pavilion 1 (610 Old Zion Road, Pennington Gap, VA 24277)

Pennington Gap, Va.—Virginia Organizing will host a vigil for Medicaid expansion on Thursday, June 12 at 8 p.m. at Leeman Field Pavilion 1 as part of nine coordinated events across Virginia in support of expansion.
“We are talking about 400,000 mostly working people in the state of Virginia who will not have health insurance if we don’t expand Medicaid,” said Lee County Chapter leader Jill Carson. “As a resident of one the poorest counties in the state, I see firsthand how imperative it is for people to be able to access affordable health care. Southwest Virginia has already had a hospital close, at least in part because Medicaid expansion was not passed in the General Assembly. Lee County residents cannot afford to wait any longer.”
The Virginia House of Delegates has rebuffed any Senate compromise plans for Medicaid expansion and refused to offer any alternatives that would address expanding Medicaid to the 400,000 Virginians who lack health care coverage and would qualify for expansion. 
Virginia Organizing will lead other rallies in Staunton, Charlottesville, Virginia Beach, Martinsville, and Danville to call on legislators to close the coverage gap.
Simultaneous vigils are being sponsored by other groups in Roanoke, Richmond, and Centreville.
To interview a spokesperson for Virginia Organizing, please contact Amanda Pohl at 804-337-1912 or amanda@virginia-organizing.org


Virginia Organizing is a non-partisan statewide grassroots organization that brings people together to create a more just Virginia. 


Pennington Gap: Virginians to Gather to Support Medicaid Expansion in Pennington Gap Reviewed by on . For Immediate Release: June 10, 2014LOCAL VIGIL PART OF NINE ACROSS VIRGINIA What: Vigil in support of Medicaid expansion When: Thursday, Ju For Immediate Release: June 10, 2014LOCAL VIGIL PART OF NINE ACROSS VIRGINIA What: Vigil in support of Medicaid expansion When: Thursday, Ju Rating:
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