This week, leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives, including Rep. Eric Cantor, again brought forth legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act and today, 244 U.S. Representatives voted for the repeal. This is the 31st time that such a vote has taken place, but they have yet to vote on a jobs bill. Regardless of the vote, President Obama has already said he will veto a repeal, making this a huge waste of time.
Today, you can help us tell your Representatives we aren't going to stand by and watch them waste time on a political vote to repeal the ACA when they could be spending time rebuilding our economy and keeping jobs in America. Click here to make your voice heard in Washington!
The following Representatives of Virginia voted to repeal the ACA:
Robert Wittman
Scott Rigell
Randy Forbes
Robert Hurt
Bob Goodlatte
Eric Cantor
Morgan Griffith
Frank Wolf