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Shenandoah Valley Chapters and Charlottesville Hold DACA Actions

Members of the Shenandoah Valley Chapters went to D.C. to join the national march to the Supreme Court building.

In Harrisonburg on Monday, November 11, the Shenandoah Valley Chapters of Virginia Organizing held a Vigil/Potluck for DACA at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church. Veronica Alberto, a DACA recipient, spoke about the many young immigrants in the area whose status and lives are at risk because of the Trump administration’s efforts to end the program.

The next day some of them went to Washington to join the march to the Supreme Court to support DACA recipients sponsored by the Legal Aid Justice Center and other groups. They also visited Senator Mark Warner’s office and asked him to prioritize getting H.R. 6, the Dream Act, passed in the Senate.

Read more about the vigil in Harrisonburg here and here.

In Charlottesville on the night of November 12, about 60 people from Virginia Organizing, Sin Barreras/Without Borders, and the Legal Aid Justice Center rallied outside the federal courthouse to support DACA. Diana Torres, another DACA recipient, spoke about what the safety of DACA protection has meant to her and others. Watch some of that rally here.

Shenandoah Valley Chapters and Charlottesville Hold DACA Actions Reviewed by on . Members of the Shenandoah Valley Chapters went to D.C. to join the national march to the Supreme Court building. In Harrisonburg on Monday, November 11, the She Members of the Shenandoah Valley Chapters went to D.C. to join the national march to the Supreme Court building. In Harrisonburg on Monday, November 11, the She Rating: 0
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