Amazing. Inspiring. Patriotic. These are all words to describe the historic actions of hundreds of thousands of workers in Wisconsin over the last two weeks. We are inspired.
This petition is different. You have probably seen countless emails and petitions asking for your support. This is a message from Virginians to Wisconsinites.
Virginians need to carry a message that is louder and clearer than the one our Governor sent out last Friday. Instead of focusing on jobs or transportation, our Governor spent his time recently praising Governor Walker for his attacks on Wisconsin workers. Governor McDonnell sent a tweet and YouTube video to Governor Walker applauding his good friend’s “courage” and “leadership.”
FIRST: Sign the petition by clicking here
SECOND: Forward this petition to 5 of your friends in Virginia.
Tens of thousands of Wisconsin’s teachers, police officers, firefighters, office workers, students and community activists have ignited a fire that’s spreading across the country. Last week, thousands of workers in Indiana and Ohio stood together to protest attacks on their states’ middle class.
Across the nation, politicians have waged a war on workers and their rights. These proposals are sold as “good for business” or “tough choices” or about “shared sacrifice.”
We know none of this is true and let us not mince words. These are simply mean-spirited, politically motivated, cynical attacks on working people and they fuel a race to the bottom that’s destroying our middle class.
The voices and rights of working people should not be dismissed, but instead they ought to be embraced by our leaders as part of our country’s democratic values.
Please sign and pass this petition along so that we can get to 10,000 signatures!