Supreme Court Ruling Delivers Good News for Virginians

Supreme Court Ruling Delivers Good News for Virginians

Richmond, Va.— The Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of the funding method Congress chose for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), allowing a vital a ...

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About the Norfolk Chapter

About the Norfolk Chapter

Community leaders established the Norfolk Chapter of Virginia Organizing in 2009. Originally covering all of South Hampton Roads, the chapter has won protections for residents of ...

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New CFPB Overdraft Rule Proposal Would Protect Families from Exorbitant Junk Fees

New CFPB Overdraft Rule Proposal Would Protect Families from Exorbitant Junk Fees

Richmond, Va.— After the CFPB introduced an important new rule to stop financial institutions from punishing hard working families, Virginia Organizing Chairperson Lily Hungarland ...

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Virginia Organizing Calls for the Supreme Court to Overturn Fifth Circuit’s Radically Pro-Corporate Attack On The CFPB

Virginia Organizing Calls for the Supreme Court to Overturn Fifth Circuit’s Radically Pro-Corporate Attack On The CFPB

Richmond, Va.—After the Supreme Court announced that it would hear a case in which the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals attacked the funding mechanism of the Consumer Financial ...

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