Predatory lending continues to be a focus of the 2011 Virginia General Assembly session and we have a chance to make real progress. Once again our elected officials have an opportunity to dramatically impact the ability of predatory lenders to continue their abusive practices that trap unsuspecting citizens in a never-ending cycle of debt.
Now the House of Delegates has two bills before a critical committee, two bills that would help take care predatory lenders once and for all. Tomorrow 22 members of the House Commerce and Labor Committee and will be deciding on these bills.
With your help, the Committee will report these measures and send them to the floor of the House of Delegates for final House consideration. We need your help and support in encouraging your delegate to vote to report House Bill 1441 and House Bill 2228 and end predatory lending in Virginia.
Help us end predatory lending in Virginia once and for all. Ask your delegate to protect the citizens of Virginia and vote in favor of House Bill 1441 and House Bill 2228 in the House Commerce and Labor Committee Thursday afternoon.
For more information on this legislation and the Virginia General Assembly visit: http://legis.state.va.us/