We are hearing from community members who are outraged at Ryan's "Coupon Care" proposal. But most of Virginia's leaders in Congress who voted for the proposal, have opted to lay low, rather than face the ramifications of a controversial vote. When the health care debate was ongoing in 2009 and 2010, town halls reached a fever pitch and elected officials like former-Congressman Tom Perriello openly discussed a vote that angered many of their constituents. They, um, seemed to consider it part of their job. How odd in a Democracy.
The following blog post is from Blue Virginia. Click here for the original post.
Virginia Republicans Vote to Gut Medicare, Avoid Constituents' Ire by Holding No Town Hall Meetings
Earlier this month, Virginia Republicans voted unanimously for Paul Ryan's plan to destroy Medicare and slash taxes for rich people. Across America, anger has been pouring out by concerned Americans.
But here in Virginia? Silence, as Republican Congresscritters hide from their constituents. Robert Hurt? No town halls (or other events) scheduled. Scott Rigell? Nothing this month. Morgan Griffith? Nada. Frank Wolf? No sign of anything. Eric Cantor? Zip. Randy Forbes? Doesn't look like it. Rob Wittman? Nope. Getting the picture here?
One exception: Bob Goodlatte, who has several town halls on his website.