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VIDEO: Candace Graham Testifying on taking funds from health care and education for transportation.

February 2, 2011 6:09 pm by: Category: Budget and Tax Reform, Richmond A+ / A-

A bill under consideration by the General Assembly, was killed on Friday that would have shifted millions of dollars of state funds away from services like health care and into transportation.  The legislation, SB1394, would have resulted in millions of dollars cut from schools, health care, first responders, and other critical services while failing to address Virginia’s pressing need for genuine new revenue for transportation

Candace Graham of the Virginia Organizing Balance Virginia Budget and Revenue Committee testified on Friday that this is the wrong approach:


Candace spoke elequently on the need a balanced approach to our budget that includes new revenue. Go Candace!

VIDEO: Candace Graham Testifying on taking funds from health care and education for transportation. Reviewed by on . A bill under consideration by the General Assembly, was killed on Friday that would have shifted millions of dollars of state funds away from services like heal A bill under consideration by the General Assembly, was killed on Friday that would have shifted millions of dollars of state funds away from services like heal Rating:
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