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Virginia Organizing Hails the Passage of the Human Rights Resolution

December 8, 2010 8:55 pm by: Category: Immigration Reform, Media Releases, Norfolk A+ / A-

Virginia Beach, VA –Residents who have fought on immigrants’ rights issues are commending the Virginia Beach City Council for their courageous vote in support of the Human Rights Resolution.

Yes on Human Rights Resolution

On  December 8, a resolution was passed that welcomes and celebrates the valuable contributions of immigrants in our city. Virginia Organizing joined with the Human Rights Commission to draft the Human Rights Resolution that decries, “The City of Virginia Beach strives to continue to provide an environment that is welcoming and protects human rights of all in our community.”

“In times of recession and hardship, when most people turn inward and worry about their own problems, it is particularly inspiring to live in a city where the authorities are united in welcoming newcomers and protecting homeowners from losing their homes. Kudos to the Virginia Beach City Council,” said Maria Fornella of the Virginia Organizing Immigrants Rights Issue Team.

“The new Human Rights Resolution affirmed the importance of embracing diversity and inclusion as we develop as a city that welcomes all people to our community. It is important for us to all reflect on holding dearly to these principles,” said Tim McCarthy of Virginia Beach.

Virginia Organizing Hails the Passage of the Human Rights Resolution Reviewed by on . Virginia Beach, VA –Residents who have fought on immigrants' rights issues are commending the Virginia Beach City Council for their courageous vote in support o Virginia Beach, VA –Residents who have fought on immigrants' rights issues are commending the Virginia Beach City Council for their courageous vote in support o Rating: 0
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