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Virginia Organizing to Hold “Bridge the Divide” Rally in Norfolk

As Inflation Soars, Locals Urge Lawmakers to ‘Bridge Gaps’ by Lowering Drug Prices, Making Health Coverage More Affordable

What: Rally to call on Congress to pass tax reform and fund health care

When: Friday, February 25 at 11 a.m.

Where: Senator Mark Warner’s Office, 101 W. Main Street, Norfolk VA

Norfolk, Va. – On Friday, February 25, Virginia Organizing members from Norfolk, Newport News, Portsmouth, Suffolk, and the Eastern Shore will gather in front of Senator Mark Warner’s office to call on Congress to finish its work on the budget and fund health care.

Speakers will call on Congress to end the debate on the current reconciliation package, which is stalled in the Senate, by focusing on passing provisions that can garner enough support and that help families and businesses cope with rising inflation in the aftermath of COVID. These policies can help bridge the gap that many families are facing in making ends meet by putting more money in consumers’ pockets and lowering costs for households. 

Lowering the price of prescription medicine, closing the Medicaid coverage gap, making private insurance, child care, and other services more affordable, and requiring millionaires and corporations to pay their fair share of taxes are common sense policies supported by a majority of lawmakers and most of the public. Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine have supported these policies in the past.

“Congress needs to do something about drug prices,” said Vonita Williams of the Suffolk Chapter of Virginia Organizing. “They are still going up.”

Terry White of Norfolk also needs the cost of medicine to be brought down.

“I am on 23 medications that cost thousands of dollars per month. Nobody should have to pay thousands of dollars every month just to stay alive. We need Congress to act on regulating these high drug prices from pharmaceutical companies.” 

Tyran Green of Portsmouth hopes the child tax credit will be made permanent.

“I have school aged kids at home and I am a working mom. A bill with help with childcare would go a long way for families like mine, so I can be both a Mom and a worker,” Green said.

LaCher Denton of Hampton wants to see the increased premium tax credits in the ACA extended.

“The Affordable Care Act has enabled me to have health insurance and basic coverage that enables me to take care of myself that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford,” she said.

To interview a spokesperson with Virginia Organizing, contact Lead Organizer Meghan McNamara at meghan@virginia-organizing.org or 847-922-1213.

Virginia Organizing to Hold “Bridge the Divide” Rally in Norfolk Reviewed by on . As Inflation Soars, Locals Urge Lawmakers to ‘Bridge Gaps’ by Lowering Drug Prices, Making Health Coverage More Affordable What: Rally to call on Congress As Inflation Soars, Locals Urge Lawmakers to ‘Bridge Gaps’ by Lowering Drug Prices, Making Health Coverage More Affordable What: Rally to call on Congress Rating: 0
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