Home » 20th Anniversary » Roots and Relationships: Reclaiming Community Organizing in the Obama Era

Roots and Relationships: Reclaiming Community Organizing in the Obama Era

Nik Belanger

February 24, 2016 1:06 pm by: Category: 20th Anniversary, Danville, Martinsville/Henry County A+ / A-

Roots6This article was first published in the Fall 2015 edition of Social Policy and appears as the prologue in Building Power, Changing Lives: The Story of Virginia Organizing, available for order by clicking here


Roots and Relationships – Reclaiming Community Organizing in the Obama Era

Roots and Relationships: Reclaiming Community Organizing in the Obama Era Reviewed by on . This article was first published in the Fall 2015 edition of Social Policy and appears as the prologue in Building Power, Changing Lives: The Story of Virginia This article was first published in the Fall 2015 edition of Social Policy and appears as the prologue in Building Power, Changing Lives: The Story of Virginia Rating: 0
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