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We need to have Medicaid expansion in Virginia!

Virginia Organizing supporter and volunteer, Dave Redding has some good questions for our senators:

We need to have Medicaid expansion in Virginia!

One repeated argument in opposition is that the federal government may not be able pay the costs of Medicaid in the future.  To me this seems to be an odd response. Every year we trust the federal government to pay for other commitments—building and maintaining federal roadways (for 102 years), Social Security (83 years) and Medicare and Medicaid (53 years). When has the federal government ever defaulted in those payments?

So, why would we not trust the government to pay for Medicaid expansion. If we accept this argument against Medicaid expansion, why would we trust the government to pay for roadways, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security? Why not tell the government to stop sending Virginians funds for these as well?

Medicaid expansion will provide coverage for around 400,000 Virginians and create about 30,000 jobs in the state.  It’s time for Virginia to join the 32 states (plus D.C.) who are benefiting from expanding Medicaid.

We have the votes we need for Medicaid expansion, but Senate Majority Leader Tommy Norment is dragging his feet. Please call Senator Norment’s office at 804-698-7503 or 757-259-7810 and ask him to pass a budget with Medicaid expansion.

We need to have Medicaid expansion in Virginia! Reviewed by on . Virginia Organizing supporter and volunteer, Dave Redding has some good questions for our senators: We need to have Medicaid expansion in Virginia! One repeated Virginia Organizing supporter and volunteer, Dave Redding has some good questions for our senators: We need to have Medicaid expansion in Virginia! One repeated Rating: 0
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