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Environmental Justice 101 Workshop

What can we do locally to fight climate change? Protect our air and water? Build a new economy?

Join Virginia Organizing for an interactive workshop to explore the effects of climate change and environmental issues on people of color and other targeted communities in Southside Virginia. We will leave with a local plan for action!

Environmental Justice 101
Tuesday, May 21 at 6-8 p.m.
Patrick Henry Community College
Frith Hall (Exhibit Hall)

For more information about the workshop, contact Nik Belanger at 434-709-4953 or nik.belanger@virginia-organizing.org.

Click below for a printable flyer for the workshop.

Environmental Justice 101 Workshop Reviewed by on . What can we do locally to fight climate change? Protect our air and water? Build a new economy?Join Virginia Organizing for an interactive workshop to explore t What can we do locally to fight climate change? Protect our air and water? Build a new economy?Join Virginia Organizing for an interactive workshop to explore t Rating: 0
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