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Economic Justice Overview

June 7, 2012 1:42 pm by: Category: Economic Justice A+ / A-


Economic justice is a commitment to ensuring that all people are able to afford necessities, not preyed upon by exploitive financial industries and products, and given equal opportunity to build a successful financial future. We believe that every person in the Commonwealth is entitled to a living wage and benefit package that is sufficient to provide the basic necessities of life, including adequate housing, a nutritious diet, proper child care, sound mental and physical health care, a secure retirement and equal educational opportunity.

We believe in eliminating the extremes of wealth and poverty. We strive towards a common sense, responsible, progressive tax system based on the ability to pay. By bringing communities together, we fight for jobs, fair wages and equality in the workplace.

Economic Justice Overview Reviewed by on .  Economic justice is a commitment to ensuring that all people are able to afford necessities, not preyed upon by exploitive financial industries and produc  Economic justice is a commitment to ensuring that all people are able to afford necessities, not preyed upon by exploitive financial industries and produc Rating:
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