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Virginia Main Street Alliance Update April 28, 2011

April 28, 2011 10:47 pm by: Category: Small Business A+ / A-



On the Virginia Main Street Alliance survey we have gotten very strong support (79% support) is enforcing the standard that requires health insurance companies to pay at least 80% of the money they collect in premiums on actual health care.  There is a move in Congress to allow broker commissions on health insurance to count as medical spending.  Please let your senators and representatives know how you feel about this issue.  You can contact your senators at: www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm?State=VA You can contact your representatives at: https://writerep.house.gov/writerep/welcome.shtml

You can take the Virginia Main Street Alliance Survey at:  http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/online-bb


The Virginia Small Business Development Centers are holding workshops for small businesses on a number of topics ranging from marketing to copyright laws.  These workshops are located all over the state and at almost all times of the day.  Go to www.virginiasbdc.org/events.aspx for more information.


Two federal court hearings on the legality of health care reform will be on Tuesday, May 10 here in Richmond.  Health care reform was found legal by one district court here in Virginia and illegal by another.  Both appeals will be heard on May 10.  


The Virginia Health Reform Initiative is the state task force overseeing health care reform in Virginia.  The panel will hold a public meeting on May 26, 10:00-2:00 in Richmond at the Department of Medical Services.  The main topic of the meeting will be discussions about the governance of the state’s Health Insurance Exchange.  The Exchange is a way to create a much larger pool so that small businesses and the uninsured can buy insurance.  


In our survey we have asked businesses if the health insurance industry should have a seat on the governing board of the state’s Health Insurance Exchange.  The answers have been running almost 50-50 as small business people understand the value and the potential conflicts of having the industry on the governing board.  One solution being suggested is to have an advisory board with health insurance representatives and no direct health insurance representatives on the decision-making body.   


The Virginia Health Reform Initiative (VHRI) is the task force appointed by the governor that will be guiding work on health care reform in Virginia.  Their website (below) contains information on the make up of the task force as well as a link to the report they issued last fall on reform.   http://www.hhr.virginia.gov/initiatives/healthreform/


These updates are a service of the Virginia Main Street Alliance.  If you have questions, comments or advice please email bob@virginia-organizing.org


Virginia Main Street Alliance, a project of Virginia Organizing



Virginia Main Street Alliance Update April 28, 2011 Reviewed by on . April 28 UPDATE FROM THE VIRGINIA MAIN STREET ALLIANCE On the Virginia Main Street Alliance survey we have gotten very strong support (79% support) is enfo April 28 UPDATE FROM THE VIRGINIA MAIN STREET ALLIANCE On the Virginia Main Street Alliance survey we have gotten very strong support (79% support) is enfo Rating:
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