Did you know that Virginia has a new voter ID law?
You are invited to a Voter Education Town Hall on Thursday, June 28th,
between 5 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., in Norfolk State University’s Library
Rotunda at 700 Park Ave.
The event is being sponsored by a group of non-partisan organizations.
The town hall will feature a panel of experts who will talk about the new
voter ID law and how to make your vote count in the November election.
Registrars will be on-hand from Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach,
Norfolk and Newport News to answer your questions.
You’ll be able to check your voter registration status and get
information on Rights Restoration.
The event is free, open to public, and refreshments will be served.
Be at Norfolk State University on Thursday, June 28th at 5:00 p.m.
Know the new voter ID law and bring ID to the polls!
Here are more details:
5 – 6 p.m. Reception & Information Session, 6 – 7:30 p.m. Panel Discussion
Check your voter registration status, obtain information on Restoration of
Rights, learn what ID to bring to the polls, have your questions answered
and concerns heard
Hosted by: Norfolk State University, Lyman B. Brooks Library – Rotunda,
700 Park Avenue · Norfolk, Virginia 23504
Panelists include:
Mr. Donald Palmer, Secretary of the State Board of Elections
Ms. Tram Nguyen, Associate Director of Virginia New Majority
Ms. Courtney Mills, Staff Attorney with Fair Elections Legal Network
Dr. Bruce E. Childs, President of the Tidewater Metro Baptist
Ministers’ Conference of Virginia
Ms. Marcia Price, Area Organizer for NAACP This Is My Vote! Campaign
Mr. Michael Brown, Former Secretary of the State Board of Elections
Event sponsored by: The Martin Luther King, Jr. Living History & Public
Policy Center, League of Women Voters of South Hampton Roads, Virginia
Organizing, Virginia New Minority, Fair Elections Legal Network, Lawyers’
Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, NAACP This Is My Vote! Campaign
RSVP: 804.828.7095 or TheMLKCenter@gmail.com