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Virginia Organizing Hosts Leaders’ Collaborative

May 2, 2013 3:02 pm by: Category: Community Voices A+ / A-


This past weekend, Virginia Organizing leaders gathered to learn more about building power in Virginia. Over 90 people, representing all our chapters, came together and had conversations about making Virginia a more just place to live.
There are two ways you can keep up the momentum of this weekend and take action—our new Leaders’ Collaborative and the 2013 Grassroots Gathering!
We want to give you the opportunity to learn and help us build that power through a new initiative called Leaders’ Collaborative! On Monday, May 13 from 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., the Leaders’ Collaborative will discuss Making Protest Fun: Creative Tactics in Direct Action. This is the first topic in our monthly calls and if you can’t make this one, there will be other opportunities!
Join Virginia Organizing leaders from across the state to share what’s worked for your Chapter and learn new ways to make protest fun! To join the call, dial 1-877-250-3043 and enter passcode 5955135#. We look forward to learning with you!
Also, mark your calendars for our Grassroots Gathering in Richmond on August 10! Last year, we took three buses to the front lawn of Anthem’s CEO to celebrate our progress in health care reform and you won’t want to miss what we have in store this year! We’ll have more details later, but mark your calendars now for August 10!
If you have ideas for topics of discussion for our Leaders’ Collaborative, please contact Nik Belanger at nik.belanger@virginia-organizing.org.
Thank you for all you do!
Virginia Organizing Hosts Leaders’ Collaborative Reviewed by on .  This past weekend, Virginia Organizing leaders gathered to learn more about building power in Virginia. Over 90 people, representing all our chapters, cam  This past weekend, Virginia Organizing leaders gathered to learn more about building power in Virginia. Over 90 people, representing all our chapters, cam Rating:
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