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BIG Week in Immigration Reform Struggle

May 3, 2013 4:14 pm by: Category: Charlottesville-Albemarle, Immigration Reform A+ / A-


On Wednesday, May 1, Virginia Organizing and other groups held multiple public events across the state as a part of a grassroots campaign in support of comprehensive immigration reform.Today, we are asking you to help us continue this historic work by making a much-appreciated donation.
In Charlottesville and Virginia Beach, community members gathered to hear powerful stories from people who are directly affected by immigration policies.
In Harrisonburg and Fredericksburg, Virginia Organizing held successful phone banks to encourage supporters of comprehensive immigration reform to contact their U.S. Representatives and ask for their support on this important issue.
During the month of April, hundreds of Virginians gathered in different places and at different times all across the state to rally and march for comprehensive immigration reform. Virginia Organizing and other allied groups have identified several key provisions that should be included in any reform measure.
We believe that comprehensive immigration reform that supports a clear path to citizenship, reunification of families, including a halt to deportations, and provisions to ensure just and fair working conditions should be on the minds of every Member of Congress—and we are working to make sure Congress knows what we believe!
In addition to holding community events, Virginia Organizing has already had constituent meetings with six U.S. Representatives from Virginia (with two more planned in the coming weeks) and Senator Mark Warner and Senator Tim Kaine to discuss the importance and magnitude of comprehensive immigration reform. Just this week, Chapter leaders from Harrisonburg and Vice-Chairperson of Virginia Organizing, Del McWhorter, met with U.S. Senator Tim Kaine about immigration reform.
This work is only possible because of the hard work of many other groups – and supporters like you! Will you help us continue this work with a donation today?
Right now is the best opportunity we will ever have to accomplish major immigration reform in our country!
Thank you in advance for your generosity and your ongoing support of Virginia Organizing!
BIG Week in Immigration Reform Struggle Reviewed by on .  On Wednesday, May 1, Virginia Organizing and other groups held multiple public events across the state as a part of a grassroots campaign in support of co  On Wednesday, May 1, Virginia Organizing and other groups held multiple public events across the state as a part of a grassroots campaign in support of co Rating:
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