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Anti Discrimination Overview

June 7, 2012 1:35 pm by: Category: Anti Discrimination A+ / A-


We believe that all people should be treated fairly and with dignity in all aspects of life, regardless of race, class, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, ability or country of origin. Discrimination harms our communities, schools, and workplaces and must be eliminated. Virginia Organizing leaders speak out against discrimination of all kinds, whether it be fighting against housing discrimination in Richmond, working for increased accessibility in Fluvanna County or supporting gay rights in Roanoke.

We believe that we should enhance and celebrate diversity in our community and in our state. Diversity is an asset that fosters growth, empathy, and value in communities, schools, and workplaces. 

Anti Discrimination Overview Reviewed by on .  We believe that all people should be treated fairly and with dignity in all aspects of life, regardless of race, class, gender, religion, sexual orientati  We believe that all people should be treated fairly and with dignity in all aspects of life, regardless of race, class, gender, religion, sexual orientati Rating:
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