Protecting civil liberties and human rights for all is a core American value. It defines the nation and is at the heart of the Bill of Rights. But today, our government is undermining American values by selectively enforcing laws based on religion, race or ethnicity. They are selectively enforcing laws, jailing people and denying them access to lawyers or the courts, and using secrecy to cover up abuses of individual rights.
Through campaigns and public advocacy, we can build our power to help our country live up to the vision of our Declaration of Independence; that all people are created equal and have human rights. We believe that law enforcement officials throughout the Commonwealth should record and maintain data on race and ethnicity when they make traffic stops. We are working to end hurtful, regressive legislation and replace it with laws and government practices that follow our principles. Our long-term solution is to create a grassroots movement that brings America closer to its founding values – to build a country that truly lives up to its vision.