About Nik Belanger

Virginia Organizing on Health Insurance Merger: Listen to the People

Virginia Organizing on Health Insurance Merger: Listen to the People

Richmond, Va. — Virginia Organizing leaders were present at the Insurance Commission meeting on Wednesday, May 25 to stress the importance of listening to and addressing directly affected people’s con ...

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Good Jobs First: Florida, Missouri and New Mexico Examined

Good Jobs First: Florida, Missouri and New Mexico Examined

Washington, DC—Amidst a political season thick with pro-small business rhetoric, a new study on what states actually spend to help create private-sector jobs reveals a sharp bias against the “entrepre ...

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Roots and Relationships: Reclaiming Community Organizing in the Obama Era

Roots and Relationships: Reclaiming Community Organizing in the Obama Era

This article was first published in the Fall 2015 edition of Social Policy and appears as the prologue in Building Power, Changing Lives: The Story of Virginia Organizing, available for order by click ...

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About the Danville Chapter

About the Danville Chapter

 Residents of Danville and Pittsylvania County came together to create the Danville Chapter in 2010. Since then, Virginia Organizing has won real change in Danville: . In 2010, the Danville Chapter of ...

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