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Virginia Organizing November/December 2012 Newsletter

Virginia Organizing November/December 2012 Newsletter

VirginiaOrganizingNovemberDecemberNewsletter.pdf ...

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Andrea Jackson: Operation Social Security

Andrea Jackson: Operation Social Security

December 27, 2012By LaToya BrackettWatch Andrea tell her story by clicking here.Andrea Jackson joined the United States Army when she was 21 years old. She was deployed for Operation Iraqi Freedom in ...

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A Report from Virginia’s Internal Medicine Physician Specialists: How Will the Medicaid Expansion Benefit Virginia?

A Report from Virginia’s Internal Medicine Physician Specialists: How Will the Medicaid Expansion Benefit Virginia?

The following is a report from the Virginia Chapter of the American College of Physicians on why Medicaid expansion is vital to Virginia residents. The full report with references and tables can be fo ...

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Virginia Main Street Alliance Update #48

Virginia Main Street Alliance Update #48

December 19, 2012Governor Bob McDonnell has now decided that Virginia will be doing very little on health care reform.   Despite previous votes of the General Assembly and the value it will ...

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Don’t Cut Social Security to Pay for Pentagon Waste!

Don’t Cut Social Security to Pay for Pentagon Waste!

December 20, 2012Social Security benefit cuts are part of the emerging fiscal showdown deal. But the deal includes only $100 billion in cuts to the bloated Pentagon budget!We need to make our voi ...

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Constituents deliver fiscal cliff letters to Rep. Wolf’s Herndon office

Constituents deliver fiscal cliff letters to Rep. Wolf’s Herndon office

 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEDecember 20, 2012Letters ask Rep. Wolf to prioritize low- and middle-income individuals and families (98 percent of Americans) over millionaires (the wealthiest two percent) ...

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Advisory: Constitutents to deliver fiscal cliff letters to Rep. Wolf’s Herndon office

Advisory: Constitutents to deliver fiscal cliff letters to Rep. Wolf’s Herndon office

 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEDecember 19, 2012 Letters ask Rep. Wolf to prioritize low- and middle-income individuals and families (98 percent of Americans) over millionaires (the wealthiest two pe ...

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We Can’t Afford to NOT Expand Medicaid!

We Can’t Afford to NOT Expand Medicaid!

This week, one of the Nuns on the Bus, Sister Mary Ellen Lacy, came to Fredericksburg and Richmond to discuss the importance of Medicaid expansion in Virginia. This is timely, since Governor Bob ...

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Listening Project

Listening Project

Harrisonburg:Rockingham Listening Project.pdf ...

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Proyecto de Escuchar

Proyecto de Escuchar

Proyecto de Escuchar de Harrisonburg:Rockingham.pdf ...

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