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Virginia Main Street Alliance Update #42

Virginia Main Street Alliance Update #42

 September 17, 2012When the Virginia General Assembly meets early next year, they will be making a number of important decisions about health care reform. In addition to deciding about a state He ...

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Campaign Money “Arms Race” Goes Nuclear

Campaign Money “Arms Race” Goes Nuclear

Mary Kuhlman, Public News Service-VAhttp://www.publicnewsservice.org/index.php?/content/article/28402-1(09/17/12) ARLINGTON, Va. - People watching money in politics say the fundraising arms race has g ...

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Marroni: Thinning Shells a Danger to Marine Life

Marroni: Thinning Shells a Danger to Marine Life

By Ed Marroni Those of you who collect sea shells or just pick them up as you walk the beach probably have not noticed that they are becoming thinner unless you have checked closely. Over the last few ...

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The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Releases Analysis of Poverty, Income, and Health Insurance Census Data

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Releases Analysis of Poverty, Income, and Health Insurance Census Data

 http://www.cbpp.org/cms/index.cfm?fa=view&id=3832September 12, 2012 Today’s Census data contained the good, the fair, and the ugly.  The good news is that the number of unins ...

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Virginia Organizing Protests U.S. Reps. Votes for Tax Cuts for Millionaires

Virginia Organizing Protests U.S. Reps. Votes for Tax Cuts for Millionaires

 Media ReleaseFor Immediate Release: September 12, 2012 Martinsville, VA: Virginia Organizing led a public protest in Martinsville, Va. at the Virginia Workforce Center today in opposit ...

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Virginia Organizing to Protest Recent Votes to Give Tax Breaks to Millionaires

Virginia Organizing to Protest Recent Votes to Give Tax Breaks to Millionaires

Media AdvisoryFor Immediate Release: September 11, 2012 What: Demonstration to protest U.S. Reps. Robert Hurt and Morgan Griffith's votes to give millionaires tax breaks, raise taxes on ...

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Voter ID Requirements Clarified

Voter ID Requirements Clarified

The State Board of Elections has recently updated their website to include information on new voter ID requirements. Below is information directly from their website. You can also view our flyer ...

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Voter ID Laws Flyer

Voter ID Laws Flyer

NewVoterIDLawsFlyer.pdf ...

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Virginia Main Street Alliance Update #41

Virginia Main Street Alliance Update #41

September 4, 2012Early next year the Virginia General Assembly will be making several important decisions about health care reform. The one that may have the most impact for small businesses is the cr ...

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Ehrenthal: Empathy and the Golden Rule

Ehrenthal: Empathy and the Golden Rule

By Ken Ehrenthal How we become the person we become has been the subject of conjecture and scientific research for many years. Stepping back for a moment we all recognize, what we call societal values ...

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